Way before I heard of "cereal", way before I knew something different on breakfast menu, as a little kid, I remember tasting cornflakes for the first time at home when my mom brought home Mohun's Cornflakes.
I just got out of bed after a month long chickenpix. I became very choosey of my food. Those days, alternative to idly, which is very healthy and eafily digestible, was bread and milk. After a couple of days, I simply started puking at the sight of bread and smell of milk. I had to go back to idly. Looking at me, all sad, all morning, my mom went out searching for options. Those days no Google. So, she went to bakery and pachari shop. I don't know how she found but came home with Mohun's Cornflakes. I didn't catch the taste at first. But as I started feeling the crunchy texture with corn and milk taste, I really liked it.
After almost 40 years, I still vouch for this than any foreign brands. I find Mohun's Cornflakes thin, crispy, original textured. I found them same as hand pounded.
I will continue Mohun's Cornflakes as long as I can digest though I try different brands.